How can technology raise labor standards for migrant workers? Last week, our Executive Director Rachel Micah-Jones stood on stage at the annual flagship meeting of MIT Solve to present on how is changing the balance of power for migrant workers., our Yelp++ for migrant workers, was named one of eight Solver teams in the Work of the Future challenge this past October. As Solvers, we’re part of a community of innovators, forming partnerships and tackling the the world’s most pressing problems in issues including economic prosperity, health, education and the environment.

During last week’s plenary, we presented our vision for how will shape a just, equitable future for migrant workers in front of hundreds of global leaders. You can watch Rachel’s presentation HERE!

Photo credit: Adam Schultz Photography

This community reminds us that collaborating with leaders across the nonprofit, public and private spaces brings limitless potential. It’s refreshing to build connections and share ideas with a group known for finding innovative ways to overcome some of the most difficult challenges throughout the world.

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