We support migrant workers in ensuring that their perspectives and experiences are reflected in the policies that affect their lives.

We advocate for fair labor migration policies and provide analysis and recommendations to Mexican and U.S. policymakers, and we join forces with workers, unions and immigrant rights organizations to campaign for migrant workers’ rights. CDM also regularly publishes investigative reports that reveal abuse, assess policies and recommend actionable reforms.

Our advocacy priorities include: 

  • Fighting for fairness in labor recruitment. We’re combatting discrimination and economic coercion, increasing transparency in temporary work visa programs, and holding employers, recruiters and governments accountable for recruitment abuse.
  • Improving access to justice. We’re expanding access to legal services for migrant workers and removing the border as a barrier to justice.
  • Securing immigration protections. We’re ensuring access to immigration protections for migrant workers who face labor abuses or immigration-related threats and retaliation.
US at Fault
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