When I founded CDM fourteen years ago, I envisioned a world where migrant workers’ voices and stories would be reflected in the policies that impact them and in the media. Now, I’m excited to share a very special gift with you.

Stories can inspire advocates across movements and mobilize workers to stand up for their rights. They can compel legislators to pass laws to raise labor standards. Stories connect us to one another — they can move all of us to fight for a more just world.

Today, we’re proud to fight alongside migrant worker women to make sure that their stories are at the center of the future of guestwork.

Earlier this year, seven migrant worker women across industries and visa categories took the stage in DC to share intimate stories about their labor migration experiences at our event “The Contratadas Chronicles: Stories of Women in [Guest]Work.” These stories featured grit, resistance, power — and even a special performance! We’ve captured the most stirring moments of this pivotal evening, and today we’re proud to share them with you in this special video.

We couldn’t be happier to celebrate our birthday with these amazing women. Will you join the celebration by sharing this video on YouTube or Facebook?