CDM Informational Brochure in Zapoteco

Dan nhe Centro de los Derechos del Migrante nhakin to organizacion da’ ko chbejin bene mechh. Bit nhakin che gobierhn. Bit nhakendo bene chhelhche bene shjake wenllin do lhall grhingw ka. Yogolho da chhaklhenhento bene chjelenhe llin lhall grhingw, bit shchixhjentonhe mechh. ¡Bllon da chheyalo nhakin chio nha gwzua xhlatjo! Download CDM’s Informational Brochure in…

CDM finalizes new educational curriculum to be used by CDM outreach teams and members of the Comité

One of CDM’s fundamental goals is to train migrants in Mexico to identify and avoid workplace abuses in the United States. CDM’s “Know-Your-Rights” workshops have reached over 6,000 migrants in communities across Mexico. Beginning in February, CDM and members of the Comité will launch a new outreach program in which Comité members will be trained…

CDM and the University of Maryland International & Comparative Law Clinic begin third year of collaboration in Mexico City

This January, CDM and theUniversity of Maryland (UMD) International and Comparative Law Clinicbegan their third year of collaboration. Over the past two years, CDM Executive Director, Rachel Micah-Jones, has taught students at the law clinic, while CDM has hosted UMD students in its Mexico and Baltimore offices. While in Mexico, UMD law students will support…

CDM travels to Geneva, Switzerland to participate in the Global Forum on Migration & Development and People's Global Action

CDM Executive Director Rachel Micah-Jones and Outreach Coordinator Lilián López participated in the Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration & Development and the People’s Global Action (PGA) in Geneva. At the PGA, CDM held a workshop entitled “Know-Your-Rights Strategies from Migrants’ Rights Advocates Around the World” in which CDM and organizations from…

5th Anniversary Report

When we opened CDM’s doors on Calle Victor Rosales in Zacatecas, Mexico in 2005, we came with deep-seated concerns about the tremendous barriers to justice that migrants confront everyday and great hopes about how we could improve their U.S. workplace conditions. We started with a tiny, but extraordinarily dedicated staff, and a vision for transnational…