USMCA stumbled out of the gate

We had been looking forward to this day for months. After a successful campaign to include migrant worker protections and a labor chapter in the new trade agreement, we had high hopes that the new agreement would provide a channel for migrant workers to access justice. Today, July 1, USMCA goes into effect.  But a…

Trabajadores migrantes en visas H-2A entablan una demanda por trata contra un prominente vivero de Michigan

PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: 25 de junio de 2020 Contacto: Marí Perales Sánchez (   Four Star Greenhouse buscó evadir la responsabilidad de miles de salarios adeudados a sus trabajadores, se benefició de la trata laboral y permitió que los trabajadores que se quejaron fueran detenidos por las autoridades de inmigración.   YPSILANTI, MI – Hoy,…

Migrant Workers on H-2A Visas File Trafficking Lawsuit against Prominent Michigan Nursery

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 25, 2020 Contact: Marí Perales Sánchez ( Four Star Greenhouse sought to evade responsibility for thousands in wages owed to its workers, benefited from labor trafficking, and allowed workers who complained to be deported by Immigration Authorities. YPSILANTI, MI – Today, six workers from Mexico, who traveled to the U.S. on…

Nueva demanda de trata de personas: Junto a Eduardo y Gerardo estamos llevando a su empleador a los tribunales

Eduardo y Gerardo, dos trabajadores de México, fueron reclutados para trabajar como trabajadores agrícolas en los Estados Unidos con visas H-2A. Después de pasar semanas sin recibir pago por su trabajo, Eduardo y Gerardo alzaron su voz. En respuesta, el subcontratista de Four Star Greenhouse, un invernadero, los atrajo a ellos y otros seis trabajadores…

Dos Au Pairs demandan a agencia patrocinadora y pareja de Maryland por robo de salarios, trabajo forzoso y trata de personas

PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: 22 de junio de 2020 Contacto: Evy Peña (   Baltimore, Maryland — Hoy, las ex trabajadoras au pair Sandra Peters (née Guzman-Reyes) y Tatiana Cuenca presentaron una demanda en el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos, en busca de daños compensatorios y punitivos por incumplimiento de contrato, salarios no pagados,…

Two Au Pairs Sue Sponsor Agency and Maryland Couple for Wage Theft, Forced Labor and Trafficking

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 22, 2020 Contact: Evy Peña ( Baltimore, Maryland — Today, former au pair workers Sandra Peters (née Guzman-Reyes) and Tatiana Cuenca filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court, seeking compensatory and punitive damages for breach of contract, unpaid wages, forced labor, and trafficking. Peters and Cuenca allege working hour violations,…

Sandra and Tatiana, two Maryland au pairs, sue their employers for trafficking, forced labor and unpaid wages

Sandra and Tatiana worked for the same family separately, in 2016 and 2018. But their experience was far too similar. While working as au pairs in Maryland, Sandra and Tatiana were forced to work beyond contracted hours and responsibilities. Their employers limited their access to food, restricted their movements, threatened them with deportation, and constantly…